Sunday, May 15, 2022

How to Become a Great Software Developer, Pro tips to succeed

Making a move into software development can be both thrilling and a bit scary. There's a lot to be learned and it requires many years of experience to become an expert in the field as with other crafts.

In order to make it more manageable, particularly for newbies, I'd like to share the knowledge I've learned over time by sharing actionable strategies for you to follow.

Look for a Great Mentor

One of the most important methods to be a successful developer is to locate an outstanding mentor. A great mentor will give expert tips on everything from architecture and design, and also how to enhance your career.
Someone who isn't within the same organization or in the same location could be the ideal person to be your mentor. They can be contacted and seek their advice on the phone, through email, or even online. A mentor does not have to be employed by your company nor must be an expert in the field of development.
Find someone who is knowledgeable about the development of software and who has achieved success in the careers you admire.

Be an excellent communicator

Being a good developer is able to communicate effectively with users as well as other developers. In reality, a major aspect of being a great programmer is sharing your thoughts efficiently and effectively.

If you are able to present your thoughts clearly and succinctly Others will want to hear the things you communicate.

However, communication isn't just about speaking. It's equally about listening to what other people think. Research shows that people who listen well had better success in their professional lives than great talking people.

Don't undervalue the value of a good listener, particularly when working with your clients or other developers in your team.

Being able to listen to others is extremely valuable, especially in the event that you're going to work with others.

Learn to utilize Google efficiently

When I first started out as a software engineer, I used to think that my colleagues were a kind of superhumans because they always pointed me in the right direction when trying to solve problems or create features.

This is when I began to Google every topic, and learn new techniques and tools as I went along.

It is evident that using Google effectively doesn't make one lesser an expert in programming, it helps you become more effective in your work.

Spend the time to study the various types of tools, so that when there is a situation that is outside of your area of expertise you will be able to quickly decide whether it's worth your time studying or not.

Daily Practice writing code

When you're done reading, you should write an entire line of code! It might sound like common sense however, you must begin writing code every day.

I'm sure you're busy as is everyone else too. There's the reason why we're all insisting on writing codes every day. It's because it's effective.

Every day you write code, it helps you stay sharp, allowing you to learn new languages and new technologies as well as allows you to tackle things that are interesting to you.

If you don't like it change it up and switch between languages or projects at least every month. This keeps things interesting (and keeps them from becoming boring) and ensures you don't end up stuck in an uninteresting pattern for months on the end.

Develop your skills

This can be simpler to say than done, as the time required to complete this task isn't easy unless you're a super-organized person or have plenty of spare time during your workweek (which I do not think so).
Whatever way you choose, if you are looking to be a successful software developer, practicing is a huge help.

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Tuesday, May 10, 2022

What is the difference between Polytechnic and B.Tech? which one is for you

If you're planning to study engineering you have two great options: a polytechnic degree and B.Tech. Although the first covers a vast variety of subjects, the latter is more focused on one particular area. This is a comparison of the two:

1. Enrollment in the course: 

To obtain a polytechnic diploma student must be at least 10 to pass and be able to take part in entrance tests organized by state officials or an Institute. In contrast, for B.Tech. the minimum qualification is 12 the passing and you must appear for the entrance examinations like AIEEE IIT-JEE, AIEEE, or the state-specific B.Tech. entrance tests. Because both Polytechnic as well as B.Tech. are engineering-related, they are mainly engineering. PCM combination is highly sought-after during the qualification course.

2. Degree versus diploma:

A diploma in engineering is obtained through polytechnic education, while a B.Tech is a degree-granting engineering course that offers a full engineering degree after completion. While Polytechnics take three years to complete, B.Tech courses take four years to complete.

3. Levels of difficulty and course structure: 

Polytechnic students are typically high school graduates and hence the course structure starts with post-high school levels and then increases over the years. In engineering courses like B.Tech,12th passing is minimum required and the course structure is more intricate when compared with polytechnic. But the subjects of both engineering courses are similar to each other with a slightly more advanced study course in B.Tech.

4. Job Opportunities after competition of each course: 

Polytechnic students typically appear and fulfill their role as junior engineers after completion of their courses. B.Tech students are posted with the rank of Engineers (process engineer or software engineer.) in accordance with their streams of engineering.

5. Affordability:

The Polytechnic diploma is less expensive to obtain when compared to a B.Tech. Degree based on the semester tuition fees and institution expenses is lower for Polytechnic degrees. also, the Polytechnic course is a three-year course while engineering is a 4-year program, which is an entire year of tuition as well as other costs.

We've compared the best aspects of both programs and due to the higher job opportunities and a better understanding of the engineering discipline B.Tech. is a good option for the majority of students. If you're one with limited resources to pursue a B.Tech currently, you can prefer a polytechnic now, and then finish your B.Tech degree in only three years (Instead of four for normal students).

Monday, May 9, 2022

Is engineering still a viable option in the year 2022?

 It is important to know that without people such as engineers, the world would be in chaos. In this essay I will be talking about the importance of engineering and why it is important to all of us.

Engineering is an essential degree providing professionals with an avenue towards hands-on work experience in their desired profession. Despite its value, a lot of people are still unaware of the career opportunities in engineering, or why it's important to study engineering.

What are some of the best places to enroll in engineering programs in 2022?

Searching for the right engineering program can be rather daunting, especially if you’re new to college. There are numerous placement tests that need to be taken, schools with prerequisites, and tons of course work to detail out. What makes things worse is that there are so many different types of engineering programs that it makes it hard to know where you should look. 

The USA and Canada are the leaders when it comes to engineering courses, but this is not surprising considering it creates a great share of many companies like Microsoft, Ford Motor Company, Bombardier, Boeing and General Motors. India is another leading country in terms of producing engineers that are in high demand across the world. It produces around 400,000 engineers each year.

What is the job market for engineers?

There are three main fields: mechanical, electronic, and software that employ engineers. Within those fields there are hundreds of specialty areas such as automotive, aerospace, medical devices and even building the next generation of computers. Understanding which fields have hot areas will help you be more competitive when looking for employment or looking to change careers in the future.

What are potential career opportunities for engineers in 2022?

 In the past decade, a number of emerging technologies have changed how we live, work and interact with each other. Artificial intelligence (AI), robotics, social media & big data are among the most notable technologies that have impacted our lives in the past decade. The rapid adoption has introduced job opportunities for individuals with in-demand skills and traits.

Engineers have always been in demand but now that robotics, AI and big data are a part of everyday life, more and more companies are looking for innovative ways to make use of those technologies. One company that is at the forefront of this change is Acorns, which uses machine learning (ML) and deep reinforcement learning (DRL) in its platform. 

In the end, the choice will be up to you and your education goals. You just have to think about what you want out of college, which is a big decision in itself. Whether 2021 or 2022 is the right year to study engineering is also a question that only you can answer. But if you're looking to get into one of the most popular majors on campus in a few years, we hope we gave you some food for thought! 

How to Become a Great Software Developer, Pro tips to succeed

Making a move into software development can be both thrilling and a bit scary. There's a lot to be learned and it requires many years of...